Alpine Skies Studio

What it’s all about.
Alpine Skies Studio was started by Artist, Sculptor, Faux Rock Contractor, and Entrepreneur Dave Henderson to be a place to share his creative ideas, concepts, and creations and for students of all skill levels to learn more, grow more, and express more of their creative sides through occasional Artists Open Houses, Workshops, Trainings, and Classes. Different disciplines are explored but the primary focus is in sculpture using concrete, mortar, and other simple inexpensive materials.
Situated in the beautiful mountains just east of San Diego, California, Alpine Skies Studio offers an ideal location for the study of on site boulders and rock formations (for faux rock instruction) plus lots of room for getting down to business honing student skills and abilities. Please sign up to receive my email updates on upcoming classes, workshops or special events below or contact Dave at for a special requests.